Distinguished Faculty Awards

The Loveland City School District has been fortunate to have outstanding teachers within the district. Many teachers have taught in Loveland schools most, if not entirely, in their career. For this reason, the Loveland Schools Foundation has established a Distinguished Faculty Award. This is a Lifetime award for a current or retired teacher who has made a positive impact on their students, co-workers or administration.

It is the purpose of the Foundation to identify a group of quality candidates and to set up a Distinguished Faculty Award event that would be memorable for the award winners, current Loveland students, parents and the community at large. Our objective is to not only honor the recipients of the award but to make aware to current Loveland students, parents, employees and the community that the Loveland City Schools District is a top district due to the high quality of teachers and staff maintained over the years.

Applications for nominees are being accepted now through November 1st.

Click below to submit a nomination.