James S. Ferguson
Graduated Loveland High School 1951
Xavier University B.S. Chemistry 1958
When Jim graduated from high school he received a NROTC (Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps) Scholarship from Notre Dame. His career path – to be a naval officer and work in the field of chemistry. The summer between graduation and Notre Dame, an industrial accident changed his life’s plans. He was injured when a 600 pound bale of hemp fell from the fork lift he was driving, hit him and confined him to crutches and a wheel chair for life. His undaunting spirit led him to pursue a new career path, this time as a teacher of chemistry, physics and math. This gave him the opportunity, as he says “to more easily spread the word about the importance of industrial safety”. All of the letters of recommendation for Jim spoke of his ability to overcome adversity to become a good citizen, husband, father and friend.
Teacher McNicholas High School 1958-1962
U.S. Public Health Service: Division of Air Pollution 1962
Division of Occupational Health 1967
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 1970
Director Division of Training 1974
University of Cincinnati School of Environmental Health, Visiting Professor Continuing Education Program 1979-1981
Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation, Division of Safety and Hygiene 1986-1996
Member of Organizing Committee and Chairman NIOSH Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
Charter Member Loveland Schools Foundation 2000
Established the John J. Ogg Scholarship 2003
Chairman Board of Trustees Loveland Schools Foundation 2005-2007
Established the Jim and Janet Ferguson Scholarship 2014