Terry A. McCoy, M.Ed.

Graduated Loveland High School 1965

Morehead State University B.A. History and Government 1969

University of Cincinnati M.Ed. Social Foundations 1973

Post graduate studies University of Cincinnati, Xavier University 1973-1987

The writer of one letter of recommendation for Terry McCoy said it best, “Many are not aware of the personal interest and care he has displayed for students in the classroom and on the playing fields.” “He has instructed, encouraged, and supported them in a quiet, yet persistent manner.” “Terry has been there as a teacher, coach, friend and as an example and has provided both educational and financial assistance on more than one occasion.”

  • Teacher Loveland Schools – 36 years

  • Social Studies Dept. Head – 20 years

  • President Loveland Education Association

  • Initiated the Loveland Education Association Scholarship

  • Middle School and Freshman Football Coach – 33 years'; Nine League Football Championships

  • Middle School and High School Track Coach – 22 Years; Six Track League Championships

  • Varsity Boys Track Coach of the Year, Fort Ancient Conference, Cardinal Division 2003