M. LeRoy Reynolds, Ed.D.
Graduated Loveland High School 1948
Ohio University B.S. Ed. Agriculture 1952
Ohio University M.Ed. Social Administration
Eastern Michigan University M.A. Emotionally Disturbed
Michigan State University Ed.D. Special Education Administration
Dr. Reynolds had great expertise in the fields of gifted and special needs children and adults. Beginning as a classroom teacher and moving into administration his career in education would span four decades culminating as a consultant for people with special needs in several states and foreign countries. He was a gifted grant writer and secured grants for these groups totaling over $3,000,000.00.
Founder of Michigan Special Olympics 1970
Director of Fourth International Special Olympics 1970-1975
Established the Michigan Center for Adult Literacy, Central Michigan University 1987
Established the Central Accelerated Mathematics Program, Gifted Middle School Students, Central Michigan University
President, Arnold Center Board (rehabilitation center for disabled persons). Midland, Michigan 1991-1992
Elected to Michigan’s Special Olympics Hall of Fame 1994
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation Service Award
Distinguished Professor Award, Central Michigan University 1974, 1975, 1976
Distinguished Service Award, Michigan Council for Exceptional Children