Dean E. Roeper, ESQ.

Graduated Loveland High School 1978

Wittenberg University, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude 1982

Indiana University, Juris Doctorate, Cum Laude 1985

As a high school student, Dean played basketball, founded the school’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter, served as its president and was sports editor for the school paper. He was inducted into the National Honor Society and acknowledged as one of the school’s “Outstanding Seniors”. He continues to live his life on the principles he established in high school by “Giving Back” to challenged athletes throughout the world. “The international investment of our Time, Talent &Treasure in the people of the world around us will create a powerful and catalytic legacy that long outlives us”, continues to be his mantra.

Teel, Roeper and Haines, LLP – 1995-Present


Team Phenom – Founded with wife, Carol and Daughter, Devon. An international sports and educational initiative providing all levels of educational opportunities and scholarships for many hundreds of impoverished youth in Uganda.

The Challenged Athletes Foundation CAF is an international leader in helping people with physical challenges lead active, healthy lifestyles. Since 1994, over $159 million raised and over 40,000 grants for adaptive equipment have been provided. In 15 years, Dean has been instrumental in raising over $25 million as the chairman of CAF’s annual Million Dollar Challenge Bike Event. He has received CFA’s highest honor, the MacLaren Award, named for Jim MacLaren, CFA’s first challenged athlete. Board and Executive Committee Member Million Dollar Challenge Chairman

Young Life – Founder, Springfield, Ohio 1979. An international non-denominational Christian outreach to students. Dean and wife, Carol, now serve on the Young Life Board of Directors for the Southern California Region.

George W. Bush Presidential Institute Military Services Initiative “Team 43” – Established to insure post 911 veterans and their families make successful transitions to civilian life.