Michael B. Shannon, M.D.

Graduated Loveland High School 1967

Ohio University, Athens, Ohio B.S. Zoology Summa Cum Laude 1971

Medical College of Ohio at Toledo Glidden L. Brooks Award 1974

Board Certification Neurosurgery 1982

Board Certification ABQAURP 1990

Aspiring to be a doctor at an early age but coming from a large family of limited means, the young Mike was hired by Loveland Schools to work with the then high school head custodian, Mr. Virgil Smith, to earn money to pursue his dreams. Today Dr. Shannon credits Mr. Smith with instilling in him discipline, a good work ethic, perseverance and other skills which helped him to excel through the rigors of his college years and then medical school. He takes the ethical code of his profession, the Hippocratic Oath seriously. As stated in a letter of recommendation by a colleague, “He has devoted himself to the care of patients in need above and beyond the call of duty.” “He has made himself available for patient care at all hours of the day and night, often accepting patients others have declined.” Dr. Shannon established the Smith/Shannon Scholarship, administered by the Loveland Schools Foundation, to honor his long-time mentor and friend, Mr. Virgil Smith.

  • General Surgery Resident, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio 1974-1975

  • Neurology Resident, New York University, Bellevue Hospital, NY, NY 1975-1976

  • Neurosurgery Resident, New York University, Bellevue Hospital, NY, NY 1976-1980

  • Clinical Instructor Dept. of Neurosurgery, New York Univ., Bellevue Hospital, NY, NY 1979-1980

  • Medical Director Muskingum County 1989-2001

  • Chairman Dept. of Surgery, Genesis Healthcare System 1999-Present

  • Licensures: New York State, Michigan State, Ohio State

  • Private Practice of Neurological Surgery, Oakland Neurological Clinic, PC 1980-1985

  • Crittenton Hospital, Rochester, Michigan 1980

  • Pontiac General Hospital, Pontiac, Michigan 1980

  • St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, Michigan 1982

  • Private/Solo Neurosurgery, Zanesville, Ohio 1985-Present

  • Charter Member Loveland Schools Foundation 2000

  • Established the Smith/Shannon Scholarship 2002