Joshua I. Smith
Graduated Loveland High School 1959
Central State University Cum Laude 1963
As a high school student, Joshua Smith excelled in both academics and music. Choosing to follow a business career, and after doing graduate work in both law and business, he is today a renowned business executive, entrepreneur, and lecturer having received many awards and honors for his business acumen. He has received the U.S. Dept. of Commerce National Director’s Legacy Award, named by the Governor of the State of Maryland as a Business Legend and has been inducted into the African American Hall of Fame. Over the years, Mr. Smith has volunteered his time to promote small and minority and women-owned businesses.
Internationally renowned entrepreneur, business executive and speaker
Received over 400 national and international awards, citations and honors for outstanding achievement
Served on the faculties on Central State University and the University of Akron
Received five Honorary Doctorate degrees: Florida International, Miami, FL; Delaware State, Dover, DE; Bowie State, Bowie, MD; Central State, Wilberforce, OH; Sojourner Douglas, Baltimore, MD
Elected to three Fortune 100 Corporate Boards of Directors: FedEx Corp., Allstate Insurance Corp., Caterpiller, Inc.
Elected to 12 public and private boards in the U.S. and Canada including Inland Steel Corp., CompCare Corp., and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Appointed by President George H.W. Bush in the following capacities: Chairman, U.S. Commission on Minority Business; the John F. Kennedy Center, Board of Directors; Bush Presidential Library, Board of Trustees; Executive Committee of the 1990 Summit on Industrialized Nations
Founded/Co-founded over 10 companies including MAXIMA Corp., one of the largest and fastest growing African-American companies in the U.S.
Founder and Host of Biz Talk with Josh on CBS Radio
Chairman and CEO, United Converting Co., Uniontown, PA
Chairman and Managing Partner, Coaching Group LLC, Washington, DC