Keith A. Taylor

Graduated Loveland High School 1969

The Ohio State University, Bachelor of Arts, English Literature 1984

University of Cincinnati, Master of Business Administration Accounting and Finance 1984

Keith once said “The business experiences I have had were really the prep work for the important work that I am able to do in retirement”. This tells you just who Keith is. He is lauded for his outstanding business successes but is defined by what he has given back to his local and international communities. He is most proud of his work in Nicaragua. He says, ”The organization that Becky (wife) and I put together has reached children all across Nicaragua and we have built facilities not only physical therapy but also educational programs for children with disabilities.” Through the Feed Nicaragua Program Keith and his team have been able to form partnerships with local Nicaraguan farmers so that local foods grown can support the program and food does no have to be shipped from the U.S.


  • Senior Vice President, Financial Solutions Division 2001-2006

  • Vice President, Systemedia Division 1999-2001

  • Vice President, Customer Service, Asia Pacific Region 1998-1999

  • Director, Europe, Middle East, Africa Service Logistics 1997-1998

  • Customer Service Director, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg & Finland 1996-1997

  • Vice President, Finance and Administration, Worldwide Services 1994-1996

  • Region Coach, Business and Financial Services, US Area East 1993-1994

  • Assistant Treasurer, Worldwide Cash Flow and Corporate Finance 1993

  • Director, Domestic Planning, Reporting and Analysis 1991-1992

  • Financial Analyst, Pricing Director, Systemedia Group 1984-1991

  • In the various positions Keith held, he was able to lead MCR into new markets in China, Indonesia, India and Brazil and was thus instrumental in bringing additional business into the company making it a worldwide competitor.


  • Established the Foundation Friends of Bradley’s House of Hope, with wife Becky. It focuses on helping children with special needs, and their families, in the poorest areas of Nicaragua. The Foundation has established clinics and special needs schools in Managua and on the East coast of Nicaragua.

  • Support for Feed Nicaragua

  • Fundraising chairperson for local Habitat for Humanity – able to build a community for 20 families