Jerry Wood

Graduated Loveland High School 1951

Wilmington College BS in Education 1955

Xavier University M.Ed. 1971

To Jerry, the personal rewards of his 32 years in education and his life with his family are most important. As a teacher and coach he was known as a “Father Figure” to the many young men who passed through his classes and whom he motivated on the football and baseball fields and on the basketball court.

  • United States Army 1956-1958

  • Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknows, Arlington National Cemetery July 1957 – July 1958

  • Soldier of the Year for the Military – District of Columbia 1957

  • Sentinel during interment of unknown soldiers for WWII and Korean War, Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknowns Memorial Day 1958

  • Norwalk High School, Norwalk, Ohio 1958-1960 History Teacher, Varsity Football Assistant Coach, Freshman and Junior Varsity Basketball Coach

  • Deer Park High School, Cincinnati, Ohio 1960-1969 American History and Government Teacher, Varsity Baseball Coach, 1960-1969 - Won four League Championships Varsity Football Asst. Coach, Freshman Basketball Coach 1960-1962 Varsity Basketball Coach 1962-1969 Won three league championships

  • Mariemont High School, Cincinnati, Ohio 1971-1981 Teacher of history and American Government, Varsity Basketball Head Coach 1971-1977

  • Clermont Northeastern High School, Clermont County, Ohio 1984-1992 Teacher of Social Studies

  • Inducted into Deer Park Hall of Fame 1997

  • Deer Park Players with Pride Award Honoree 2012

  • Deer Park High School Basketball Court named “Coach Jerry Wood Court” 2013